May 5, 2003


No Democratic Senate (Robert Novak, May 3, 2003, Town Hall)
Democratic insiders, acknowledging little chance of recapturing the House in 2004, have all but given up hope of winning a Senate majority, unless there is such a transcendent development as an economic collapse.

The early calculation in Democratic circles is for a net loss of four additional Senate seats, extending the present 51-49 Republican majority to 55-45. Democratic seats are in real jeopardy in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, South Dakota and Nevada.

In contrast, Alaska is the only Republican Senate seat up next year that clearly tilts to the Democrats.

Man, if Bob Novak is just figuring this out now, he better hang 'em up. Posted by Orrin Judd at May 5, 2003 4:42 PM
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