April 25, 2002
Zygotes and People Aren't Quite the Same (MICHAEL S. GAZZANIGA, April 25, 2002, NY Times)[I]t was a surprise when, on April 10, the president announced his decision to ban cloning of all kinds. His opinions appeared fully formed even though our panel has yet to prepare a final report and will be voting on the crucial point of biomedical cloning--which produces cells to be used in researching and treating illnesses. While it is true that the president's position is one held by some of the members of the panel, not all agree. [...]When I joined the panel, officially named the President's Council on Bioethics, I was confident that a sensible and sensitive policy might evolve from what was sure to be a cacophony of voices of scientists and philosophers representing a spectrum of opinions, beliefs and intellectual backgrounds. I only hope that in the end the president hears his council's full debate.
Apparently Mr. Gazzaniga is confused about what he was hired to do. Since he himself notes it, one might have assumed he'd comprehend the fact that he serves on the "President's" council. In other words, he serves the President not vice versa.
While the council debates, and the cloners proceed unfettered, the President made a decision. Mr. Gazzaniga does not mention how long he would have allowed the research that even he opposes to go forward while the council works on its report, which makes it seem that his are not the objections of a morally serious man.
Posted by Orrin Judd at April 25, 2002 2:48 PM