March 19, 2002
SOMETIMES CONTEMPT JUST ISN'T ADEQUATE : Parents Sue Doctors for 'Wrongful Birth' of Disabled Child (Wendy McElroy, March 19, 2002, Fox News)
"In 'wrongful birth,' the parents of a disabled child initiate a lawsuit, typically against a doctor who is accused of not performing proper genetic screening or not adequately counseling prospective parents. The essence of wrongful birth is that the defendant's negligence resulted in the birth of a disabled child whom the mother would have aborted had she received adequate medical information.In 'wrongful life,' the disabled child or those acting on the child's behalf sues for being alive. Sometimes, the parents become defendants. In essence, the child claims he/she was damaged by being born and should be compensated."
Posted by Orrin Judd at March 19, 2002 7:36 PM