October 17, 2003


Paper accidentally publishes losing editorial (Associated Press, 10/17/03)

The curse of the Bambino struck the New York Post, too.

On the morning after the New York Yankees vanquished the Boston Red Sox to win the American League pennant, some editions of the Post carried an editorial bemoaning a loss for the Bronx Bombers.

"The Yankees couldn't get the job done," read the editorial. "...The hitting fell short and the bullpen simply didn't deliver. It's a crying shame that Roger Clemens' career had to end on a losing note."

Clemens, the Yankees' 41-year-old pitcher, will be one of the starters when the Yankees take on the Florida Marlins in the World Series.

Post Editor in Chief Col Allan blamed the foul-up on a simple production error.

"We had prepared two editorials, one in the event of the Yankees winning, one with the Yankees losing," he said. "When we transmitted the pages to our printing facility, the wrong button was struck and the wrong editorial sent."

Somewhere in the Multiverse, this editorial is right and it's the Red Sox who have 37 World Series rings--but, Remy's Paradox, where are they?

Posted by Orrin Judd at October 17, 2003 4:53 PM

Yeah, but you know one of those 37 rings wouldn't have included 1986. You still would have lost to my Mets :-)

Posted by: Steve Martinovich at October 17, 2003 7:33 PM

I was visiting my family during the ALCS. My sister doesn't follow sports at all, but watched the games with me, and got caught up in the Red Sox' battle with the Curse. When Boone hit the clinching home run, she turned to me and said, "Now I hate you for making me care."

And I replied, "You have had the true Red Sox experience."

Posted by: Bob Hawkins at October 18, 2003 9:07 PM