October 5, 2003


Anglicans find it's Africa vs. West on homosexuality (Rachel Scheier, 10/05/03, The Christian Science Monitor)

African church leaders have voiced support for the idea of a separate American church. Nkoyoyo, for one, says African Anglicans who go the US often feel more comfortable worshipping with Pentecostals and Baptists, whose evangelical brand of Christianity feels closer to their own faith.

African archbishops also worry about losing converts to the burgeoning evangelical movement, as well as Islam, which has long made the case that the Christian West is decadent and sexually irresponsible. "If the Anglican Communion accepted gay bishops or approved gay unions, that would offer an enormous propaganda victory for Muslims," says Philip Jenkins, a professor of history and religious studies at Penn State University.

The Anglican Church has a strong tradition of not meddling in one another's provinces or diocese. But Mr. Jenkins and others agree that views on this issue are likely to harden rather than soften as the West is forced to reckon with the increasingly influential developing-world church.

"Sexuality issues have come to be a symbolic means of declaring the independence of rising African churches against Western cultural and religious imperialism," he says.

There'll be vibrant African Evangelical churches long after they bury the last ofay Anglican.

These religious and socially conservative views are why conservatives should welcome, even encourage, immigration and scorn knotheads like these guys, British National Party must be stopped (GLYN FORD, 10/06/03, The Japan Times)

There has been a step-change in the activity and success of the British National Party. It is now a serious element in electoral politics. Driven by new ways to attract voters, party members no longer cry "repatriation." Instead, their slogan "pensioners before asylum seekers" is aimed at latching on to the immoral panic engulfing white communities. To combat them, antifascist and antiracist groups must restructure their activities and widen their base.

The BNP victory Sept. 5 in Thurrock gave the party its 17th councilor. It should have had 18, but Councilor Luke Smith of Burnley, who was "outed" during the summer as a convicted football hooligan and banned for life from Burnley, decided at the BNP's third annual Red, White and Blue Festival in Swanley, Lancs, to "bottle" Martin Reynolds, the BNP Leeds organizer and part of the security team. Smith subsequently resigned from the council.

Despite incidents like these, young white males and ex-Conservative voters are still prepared in unprecedented numbers to go to the ballot box and vote BNP while former Labour Party voters stay home. Today almost any by-election in the penumbra of Britain's inner-city areas, or in the "white flight" suburbs around our cities, are fair game for BNP.

The future of conservatism isn't white.

Posted by Orrin Judd at October 5, 2003 11:12 PM

Bravo, Orrin.

Posted by: Peter B at October 6, 2003 6:42 AM

Of course the few conservative Anglicans
would probably not consider drums and dancing
at mass to be quite Orthodox either (or whatever
these African Anglicans do).

Posted by: J.H. at October 6, 2003 9:01 AM

The anti-drumming commandments in the Bible seem a tad ambiguous.

Posted by: oj at October 6, 2003 9:06 AM

Truthfully I'd take unaccompanied drums over
the folk mass anyday of the year (there is
nothing quite so profane).

Posted by: J.H. at October 6, 2003 10:15 AM

I guess one of the two groups are heretics.

The devil is in knowing which one.

Posted by: Jeff Guinn at October 6, 2003 3:24 PM

Neither is heresy. One is immoral.

Posted by: oj at October 6, 2003 3:29 PM